"Very well,” Deborah said, “I will go with you. But because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours, for the LORD will hand Sisera over to a woman.” Judges 4:9
"Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time" (Judges 4:4) For a season, God chose a woman to lead Israel. Judges 4 tells us that she was a prophetess and a wife, to Lappidoth, who we don't know anything about. Judges 4:5 says that "she held court under the Palm of Deborah... and the Israelites came to her to have their disputes settled." Having a place named after her where she worked meant she was established, and the fact that Israelites from all over the land came to her to settle their disputes tells us that she was well respected. There is no indication in the text that her leadership was opposed within Israel, despite the fact that she was a woman.
Yet she was opposed from the outside of Israel by Jabin, a king of Canaan (Judges 4:2), who had "cruelly oppressed the Israelites for 20 years" (4:3). This king had 900 hundred iron chariots, a symbol of military strength and power. However, God had told His people not to acquire many horses (Deut. 17:16) and not to be afraid of armies that had many horses and chariots because "the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you" (Deut. 20:1).
Deborah, as a prophetess and appointed judge over Israel, would have known the Scriptures and God's commandments to His people in Deuteronomy. Barak, the commander of her army, was not as faith-full. Deborah had a word from the Lord for Barak:
“The LORD, the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them up to Mount Tabor. 7 I will lead Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.’” Judges 4:6-7
But Barak was afraid. He wouldn't go up against Sisera's army without Deborah by his side.
Who in our lives, other than God, do we feel we need at our sides when a battle comes our way? Do we not believe that if God has called us to a task, that He will also equip us to do it?
I think of Moses and Aaron. Moses didn't believe that God would fully equip him to deliver Israel from the hand of Egypt. He wanted Aaron along. God allowed him Aaron, but was angered by Moses' unbelief (Exodus 4:14).
Deborah also did go with Barak. And God did what He said He would do. Barak, with Deborah at his side, defeated Sisera's chariots and army by the sword (4:15). Sisera himself, commander of a mighty army, was killed by Jael, a woman, who drove a tent peg through his temple in a tent while he slept (4:21). Jabin, the King, who sent Sisera against Israel, was also defeated in time by Israel (4:24).
God used two warrior women to do His work: Deborah, who trusted God, and was not afraid even in battle, and Jael, who finished the job with what she had at hand; in this case, a tent peg.
God, give us confidence to do the tasks that you give us. Help us not to be afraid, but to believe you will equip us and provide what we need to fight our battles. Thank you that you use women in physical and spiritual warfare. May we all be prepared for battle. Amen.
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